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‘Critical’ phase completed in Turkish Aerospace HÜRJET

Another critical phase has been completed in the Turkish Aerospace HÜRJET Jet Evolution and Light Attack Aircraft. CDR activities of HÜRJET, developed by Turkish Aerospace engineers, have been completed.

Developed by Turkish Aerospace to meet the needs of the Turkish Air Force Command, HÜRJET Jet Evolution and Light Attack Aircraft has passed another critical stage. It has been reported that HÜRJET’s Critical Design Review (CDR) activity has been successfully completed. Turkish Aerospace started the production process of the first HÜRJET prototype.

Turkish Aerospace will develop four different HÜRJET configurations: Jet Evolution, Acroteam (Turkish Stars), Transition to Combat Readiness and Light Attack. Due to the need for Jet Evolution Aircraft of the Turkish Air Force Command, which is also the main factor in the birth of the program, the progress is focused mostly on this configuration

On the other hand, HÜRJET’s Light Attack configuration will serve as an ‘intermediate platform’ between armed drones and fighter aircraft, thus providing economic savings.


At What Stage is HÜRJET Project Schedule?

Production activities were started for the first prototype of the HÜRJET aircraft, whose CDR activities were successfully completed. In 2021, the first prototype is waiting for a series of challenging tests, such as static wind tunnel tests and air intake wind tunnel testing. The first prototype of the aircraft is expected to fly in December 2022, and the second prototype is expected to fly in January-February 2023. The first plane is planned to be delivered to the Turkish Air Force at the end of 2024 or at the beginning of 2025.

Until now, on the 1/10 scale model – Static Wind Tunnel, Air Net Wind Tunnel, Low Speed Wind Tunnel, Flight Control Laws, Flight Simulation Model Development, 270 Degree Simulator, Initial Load Cycle and First Structural Analysis Cycle activities have been successfully carried out.

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Unmanned Attack Helicopter From Turkish Aerospace

Source: TurkishDefenceNews.com

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